January 25, 2013
Picked up the car from the seller in Orange county. Made it home with only two glitches, not counting an unusual, rainy day. Some difficulty with persuading the seller's bank to accept a credit union cashier's check, and AAA will not provide free towing for a car the member just purchased. But the car arrived and is now in our garage.
First thing to do is to start it. Won't crank, so we hooked up a 6V battery charger while we went shopping for a replacement gas cap. After a couple hours on the charger, there's a slight click with key turned to the start position, some dash lights, but no other action. Verified that the engine was not frozen or seized by turning the fan. Tried a 12V boost from another car, and saw no difference in cranking, but noted that the cables got hot. Hmmm. Checking.... This car has positive ground! Tried again, battery to battery this time, and got some cranking but no fire. Splash a little gas in the carb and it fires. Try again, and it backfires and ignites the spilled gas around the carb. Got the fire out and soon learned that 1) it cranks much better with a 12V boost, and 2) it will fire and try to run on direct gas to the carb but stops after a few seconds. Sounds like stale gas or fuel pump problem. Smells like old gas, and the pump checked out fine. Drained the gas tank of a couple gallons of nasty, brown gasoline, and quit for the day. Tomorrow we'll get some fresh gas and try again. We think it's going to run.
To my ear, it cranks like there is low compression on one cylinder. We'll sort that out later.
January 24, 2013
Flying back from DC today, I flipped through some of the 150 photos the seller has kindly provided, compared them with my observations a week ago, and made a list of things to do to the car. For an old car in such apparently good shape, there are a lot of them. It became clear that Phil and I will need to identify a goal or objective: concours-quality restoration? fast hot rod? clean and neat original with some improvements? It weighs 3995 pounds and has a 276 ci, one-bbl hemi with 8:1 compression; 160 HP when new. So some of these options involve major engine work. Here's the list, for the curious.
Possible Improvements
- side mirrors
- air cleaner
- wiper arms and blades. Motor and linkage?
- tune up
- gas cap
- front carpet or floor mat
- side moldings
- detail dash
- detail interior
- dash pad
- repair windshield frame rust
- repair door rust
- fix hood hinges and hood fit
- (maybe) repaint
- tailgate logo
- fix tailgate rust; chrome or refinish hinges
- replace window rubber
- replace gas filler rubber
- replace weatherstripping
- detail or repair spare tire well as needed
- fix horn if needed
- replace rear license bracket
- front plate bracket
- research correct color CA plates and get personalized plates to match
- clean paint off rear window frame
- get all lights to work
- rear bumper brackets
- fix heater (might need core)
- repair radio or new radio
- deal with driver side armrest
- clean up engine bay wiring
- fix cowl bent; replace gasket
- replace visor
- swap tires, maybe wheels,
- improve stance
- new shocks
- new upholstery, or new seats
- seat belts
- repair and chrome rear bumper
- refinish or replace steering column
- 12V conversion
- hop-up existing engine
- manifold and carb
- cam
- distributor and ignition
- swap engine
- later, larger hemi with torqueflight
- modern 5.7 or 6.1 hemi with trans
- 3.5 Ford Ecoboost with trans
- Diesel and trans from a Sprinter
- other MOPAR (318, 340, 383)
January 20, 2013
Drove to Orange County to view the car. Barbara and I liked it enough to negotiate a price with the seller and we gave him a down payment. Phil wants in for half, so it will be a collaboration.
Here are some seller photos and a few I took of items that need attention.
Front |
Rear |
Right |
Door rust |
Cowl rust |
Tailgate rust |
Flaking chrome |
Sticky cowl vent |
Engine bay |
I vote for the hot rod idea!
ReplyDeleteHmmm. Flying back from D.C. huh? Next time, call so we can meet up with you or you can come to Columbia to visit. Nice car.
I'll make a point of it. Next trip isn't scheduled yet.